Extrait de Catalogue of Principal Galaxies (PGC) (Paturel+ 1989) Organisation du catalogue : Les galaxies sont réparties dans 50 zones de 30x30 degrés selon le même principe que les grandes régions du Guide Star Catalog . ( Voir Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087) déclinaison nombre numéro de la du centre de zones première zone ------------- ------------ -------------- 15 12 1 45 9 13 75 4 22 -15 12 26 -45 9 38 -75 4 47 Chaque zone est matérialisée par un fichier . Dans chaque fichier les galaxies sont triées par dimension ( maj ) . Description des enregistrements des fichiers : PGCrec = record pgc,ar,de,hrv : Longint; nom : array [1..16] of char; typ : array [1..4] of char; pa : byte; maj,min,mb : smallint; end; - pgc : numéro du catalogue PGC - ar : ascention droite 2000 en degrés * 100'000 - de : declinaison 2000 * 100'000 - hrv : vitesse radiale héliocentrique - nom : autres noms - typ : type morphologique - pa : angle de position du grand axe - maj : grand axe à l'isophote 25/'2 * 100 - min : petit axe à l'isophote 25/'2 * 100 - mb : magnitude B * 100 Type Intervalle Format ------------ -------------------------- ------------------- Shortint -128 .. 127 Signé, 8 bits SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 Signé, 16 bits Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 Signé, 32 bits Byte 0 .. 255 Non signé, 8 bits Word 0 .. 65535 Non signé, 16 bits Description originale du catalogue : VII/119 Catalogue of Principal Galaxies (PGC) (Paturel+ 1989) ================================================================================ Catalogue of Principal Galaxies (PGC) Paturel G., Fouque P., Bottinelli L., Gouguenheim L. =1989A&AS...80..299P ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Galaxy catalogs Description: This "catalog of principal galaxies" constitutes the basis of the "Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies" (RC3). It lists equatorial coordinates for the equinoxes 1950 and 2000 and cross identifications for 73197 galaxies. Of the 73197 galaxies, 40932 have coordinates with standard deviations of less than ten arcsec. Listed are 131,601 names from the 38 most common sources. These data are given when available: morphological descriptions, apparent major and minor axes, apparent magnitudes, radial velocities, and position angles. Related data: VII/137B : Third Reference Catalogue of bright galaxies (RC3) File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file pgc 142 77141 The PGC catalogue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: pgc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 5 I5 --- PGC [1/73197]?+ PGC Number (1) 7- 8 I2 h RAh []? Right Ascension 2000 (hours) (1) 9- 10 I2 min RAm []? Right Ascension 2000 (minutes) (1) 11- 14 F4.1 s RAs []? Right Ascension 2000 (seconds) (1) 15 A1 --- DE- Declination 2000 (sign) (1) 16- 17 I2 deg DEd []? Declination 2000 (degrees) (1) 18- 19 I2 arcmin DEm []? Declination 2000 (minutes) (1) 20- 21 I2 arcsec DEs []? Declination 2000 (seconds) (1) 23- 24 I2 h RAh1950 []? Right Ascension 1950 (hours) (1) 25- 26 I2 min RAm1950 []? Right Ascension 1950 (minutes) (1) 27- 30 F4.1 s RAs1950 []? Right Ascension 1950 (seconds) (1) 31 A1 --- DE-1950 Declination 1950 (sign) (1) 32- 33 I2 deg DEd1950 []? Declination 1950 (degrees) (1) 34- 35 I2 arcmin DEm1950 []? Declination 1950 (minutes) (1) 36- 37 I2 arcsec DEs1950 []? Declination 1950 (seconds) (1) 38 A1 --- u_DEs [*] An asterisk indicates coordinates with standard deviations less than 10arcsec (1) 40- 43 A4 --- MType Morphological type class; see section 3.1 of the publication for details (1) 44- 49 F6.1 arcmin MajAxis []? Major axis diameter at 25mag/arcsec2 (1) 50 A1 --- u_MajAxis [:?*] Uncertainty (:?) or accuracy (*) flag on MajAxis (1) 51 A1 --- times [x] separation character (1) 52- 56 F5.1 arcmin MinAxis []? Minor axis diameter at 25mag/arcsec2 (1) 57 A1 --- u_MinAxis [:?*] Uncertainty (:?) or accuracy (*) flag on MinAxis (1) 60- 63 F4.1 mag Btot []? Apparent total magnitude; see section 3.3 of the publication for details (1) 64 A1 --- u_Btot [*] An asterisk indicates magnitudes with accuracy less than 0.3mag (1) 67- 71 I5 km/s HRV []? Heliocentric Radial Velocity (1) 72 A1 --- u_HRV [*] An asterisk indicates velocities with standard deviations less than 30km/s (1) 74- 76 I3 deg PA [0/180[? Position Angle from North eastward in 1950 frame (1) 78- 93 A16 --- Name1 Name of galaxy in other sources (2) 94-109 A16 --- Name2 Name of galaxy in other sources (2) 110-125 A16 --- Name3 Name of galaxy in other sources (2) 126-141 A16 --- Name4 Name of galaxy in other sources (2) 142 A1 --- Cont [+] if a continuation record exists (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): field empty for continuation lines, i.e. preceding line has a '+' in byte 142 Note (2): acronyms and references for designations are given in Table 2 of the publication -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Historical Notes: * A copy of the catalogue on magnetic tape was provided to CDS by G. Paturel * 03-Oct-1995: description standardized at CDS ================================================================================ (End) Francois Ochsenbein [CDS] 03-Oct-1995